Join the Student Ambassador Programme and Help the CUHK Business School Community Grows

Are you ready for the exciting journey as a CUHK Business School student ambassador?
The CUHK Business School student ambassadors play a fundamental role in the School’s admissions and outreach effort, serving as role models to current and prospective students.
The Student Ambassador Programme is looking to recruit a group of exuberant students from various business programmes that are driven, dedicated, and passionate about promoting the School to prospective students and the public. At the same time, the programme also provides ample growth opportunities for SA to develop their leadership, communications, and soft skills that are essential for their success on a global scale.
Application is open until 11 pm, 31 December 2020
Sign up now:
Student Ambassadors Sharing

“I wanted to join the CUHK Business School Student Ambassador Programme to broaden my industry exposure, connect with more people in the school, and to promote the University that I am very proud to attend. Looking back, I definitely do not regret my decision! I connected with new people in the Business School, I had various opportunities to attend business talks, and I got to work together with my fellow Student Ambassadors to help high school students with their questions about the University. I would genuinely recommend you to join this programme for a fruitful university life! Hesitate no more and sign up now! :D”
Deven Goldra Arfayo (Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis, Year 3)

“It is my pleasure to introduce CUHK business school to various students through the Student Ambassador programme. I assisted in monitoring online chatrooms and conducted sharing. Every time I share my experience with secondary students, they reminded me why I had chosen CUHK and my passion for studying.”
Yessica Lai (Asian Business Studies, Year 3)

“‘Don’t ask what you can gain from CUHK, but think of what you can contribute to our beloved family.’ These were the words that came to my mind when I was applying for CUHK Business school Student Ambassador Team. Start your journey with business exposures, public speaking opportunities, and precious memories with our energetic Team!”
Jason Leung (Quantitative Finance, Year 2)

“Becoming a Student Ambassador within the COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the most exciting parts throughout my academic year. Though I wanted to be one of the representatives of CUHK Business School, I have never imagined being able to accomplish it through a Virtual Open Day. I met with other international high school students through the online platform and shared advice on the application process, and my study experience here at CUHK.”
Leony Kusnarto (Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science, Year 3)