CUHK Business School Students joined other changemakers in Creative Collision 2023 by SVIHK

(From left to right) Ho Ka Hei Jeff (IBBA/2), Nalini Dhiman (IBBA/2), Chan Ming Wai Ellen (PACC/2), Trieu Sum Yuet Cheryl (IBBA/2)

Participants and speakers gathered for a group photo at the Creative Collision 2023 event, hosted by Shared Value Initiative Hong Kong (SVIHK).
The 4th edition of Creative Collision 2023 was launched by Shared Value Initiative Hong Kong (SVIHK) as its flagship interactive “non-conference” for leaders in business, civil society, the public sector, and social innovation. The event featured new interactive formats and tackled six key challenges of solving societal issues while making a profit.
Barclays, Nan Fung Group, Accenture, and AXA were among the key partners of the event. The highly interactive non-conference format provided a platform for experience sharing, actionable ideation, and networking for both the participants and speakers.
The students from CUHK Business School gained valuable insights from the event’s speakers and interactive activities. They were inspired by the idea of creating shared value and motivated to work towards sustainable living and innovation.
The students shared their perspectives on the event:
Cheryl Trieu (IBBA/2) was among the CUHK Business School students who recently participated in Creative Collision 2023 by SVIHK, where she found inspiration in meeting the founders and representatives of social startups such as BeeTales, TimeAuction, and OfficeHub. Listening to their dreams of turning zero to something expanded her business mindset and knowledge of sustainable development. “The programme let me step out of my comfort zone, and I ended the day with great satisfaction knowing I have conquered my personal uncertainties,” said Cheryl.

Participants took part in an immersive tour of the newly transformed Kwun Tong district.
Cheryl and Jeff Ho (IBBA/2) also participated in an immersive tour of the newly transformed Kwun Tong district. Jeff was inspired by the Yue Man Square project and how it provided new residential units, changing Kwun Tong into a more modern district while maintaining its traditional culture. He reflected on how sustainability can be merged into the business world with the concept of shared value. “I learned about real cases on how businesses can work and merge with sustainability without having to forcibly apply sustainability concepts into their products,” said Jeff.
Ellen Chan (PACC/2) recounted how the event provided her with a steep learning curve into sustainable living and sustainable business. Taking part in the “Hack Your Habits” session, she was intrigued to learn how to change her lifestyle habits to adopt a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.
Nalini Dhimani (IBBA/2) shared her journey to impact society positively and achieve Sustainable Development Goals in a real-life context. She reflected on how sustainability sometimes increases inequalities because the products in the market are often higher in price and normally target high-end customers. Inspired by the different social enterprises creating solutions to solve society’s issues, Nalini is dedicated to finding sustainable solutions by taking action now. “I will never be completely ready to tackle society’s issues as the readiness comes with experience, so I am determined to start taking initiative now,” said Nalini.
The students expressed their gratitude to CUHK and SVIHK for the opportunities provided by this exciting event. CUHK Business School students look forward to participating in more events that encourage shared value and sustainable business solutions to improve our society.