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Global Business Forum and Dinner 2024

The Global Business Forum and Dinner 2024 was successfully held on 20 April 2024, marking a significant milestone of the 20th Anniversary of the Global Business Studies (GBS) Programme. Organised by a dedicated student organising committee from our flagship Global Business Programmes, Global Business Studies (GBS) and International Business and Chinese Enterprise (IBCE), the event brought together over 140 participants, including faculty members, industry leaders, representatives from partner universities, students and alumni at the event.

This year’s forum revolved around the theme “Navigating the Future: Innovations and Challenges of the Business Landscape in the AI Era”. The forum began with opening remarks by Dr. Fred Ku, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies of CUHK Business School, and was followed by the Speaker Series. 

Mr. Jason Leung (GBS 2013), Head of Asia-ex-Japan Financial Technology Group and Executive Director of Investment Banking at Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., shared his insights on the importance of adapting to and integrating new technologies, i.e., AI in the financial sector. He emphasised the indispensable role of soft skills in effectively navigating the complex intersection of finance and technology.

Mr. Chris Shum, Co-founder and CEO of Asiabots Limited, illustrated a historical overview of AI and delved into the fascinating world of generative AI technology and its applications in various industries. Chris also shed light on the emerging field of prompt engineering, which facilitates seamless communication between humans and AI systems.

Mr. Timothy Leung, Executive Director of HKAI Lab, provided an overview on “Driving AI Development in Hong Kong”. He shared his vision by highlighting the importance of fostering collaboration within the AI industry by engaging multiple stakeholders and emphasised the need for business talents who can create AI solutions that are not only technically advanced but also commercially viable and user-friendly.

The forum also featured a dynamic panel discussion on “AI and Emerging Technologies: Shaping the Future of Industries”. Distinguished panellists included Mr. Matthew Chan, Chief Digital Officer of Jardine Restaurant Group; Mr. Arnold Cheung, Co-founder and CEO of Profind; Ms. Wendy Chow, Head of Information and Communications of InvestHK; Prof. Wong Kam-fai, Member of the National Committee of the CPPCC, LegCo Member, and Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering atCUHK; and Ms. Steffanie Yuen, Managing Director and Head of Hong Kong of Endowus. Their valuable expertise contributed to an intense yet enlightening dialogue. The panel discussion, moderated by Ms. Natalie Yuan (IBCE 2019), Co-founder of Profind, and Ms. Melody Kwok (GBS, Year 4) offered students comprehensive and in-depth insights into the business applications of AI across various sectors.

Following the forum, the celebration took place at the Global Business Dinner. We commemorated the 20th Anniversary of the GBS programme, which has been at the forefront of business education in Hong Kong and the international education arena. Mr. Henry Keung, an esteemed alumnus from GBS, Class of 2012, shared his inspiring journey in GBS and captivating stories in his successful career. The evening was highlighted by a momentous ceremony, where Programme Directors, Alumni Advisory Board Members of Global Business Programmes, alumni, current students, and programme staff joined together on stage to celebrate this remarkable milestone for our GBS family.

Furthermore, we proudly announced the launch of a collaborative initiative with our strategic partner universities in Asia, the Asian Business Education Network (ABEN). The ABEN is formed by eight esteemed institutions, including Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, National Chiayi University, National Tsing Hua University, National University of Singapore, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Thammasat University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The network reflects our collaborative efforts and commitment to fostering strong international partnerships and providing our students with expanded network and enhanced learning opportunities to succeed in the ever-evolving business landscape.

Our talented students concluded the night by captivating the audience with their diverse talents. The Global Business Dinner was filled with memorable moments and joyous reunions.

The following is a collection of the wonderful moments we shared at the events.


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