CUHK Business School Welcomes Undergraduates of 2020 Cohort Through Online Inauguration

A perfect conclusion: Dean Lin Zhou (third from the left), Associate Dean Prof. Andy Wong (third from the right), and Mr. Peter Yan (middle) posed with student emcees Samson Hung (second from the left) and Alexandra Bhisitkul (second from the right), and student ambassadors Cherie Wong (first from the right) and Bedco Chan (first from the left) after the Inauguration.

Dean Lin Zhou (right) and Associate Dean Prof. Andy Wong (left) welcomes the newest members of the CUHK Business School community during the Inauguration for Undergraduates 2020.

Dean Lin Zhou (right) presenting the 2020 Beta Gamma Sigma CUHK Chapter Honoree Award to Mr. Peter Yan (left), Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited.

Dean Lin Zhou (left), Mr. Peter Yan (middle), and Associate Dean Prof. Andy Wong (right) took turns on welcoming and offering words of wisdom to the newest members of the CUHK Business School.