Business Mini Lecture “Developing Competitive Strategy” at Taiwan Virtual Fair
CUHK Business School will be hosting the online Mini-lecture “Doing Good vs. Doing Well? The Myth of Business” during Regional Virtual Fair for International Undergraduate Students on 20 February 2021. Dr. Fred Ku (Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Studies) will investigate and discuss one of the greatest contemporary business issues on whether a business can achieve sound financial returns and act as a force for the community’s good simultaneously during the online lecture. All are welcome to join!
Mini-lecture – Developing Competitive Strategy
Date: 27 February 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 11:00am – 12:00am
Speaker: Dr. John Lai, (Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Studies)
Outline: In today’s competitive and turbulent environment, how do firms develop strategies in order to achieve its mission, vision, and its overall objectives? This mini-lecture will give you a snapshot of strategy development and, most importantly, how does it apply to you in developing leadership?
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 999 9293 6846
Live Consultation and Chatroom:
Date: 27 February 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 12:00nn – 2:00pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 999 9293 6846
For more information about the Virtual Fair: