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Expand Your Mind as a Responsible Business Leader: Joint-School Responsible Business Workshop-cum-Study Tour to Japan

In a collaborative effort with the responsible business workshop initiated by Business Education for Social Good (BESGO) project, the Undergraduate Office (UGO) recently brought together a group of 18 undergraduate students from various business majors, along with other overseas participants from Nagoya University of Commerce and Business (NUCB), National Chiayi University (NCYU), and National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), to Tokyo from 13 – 18 May 2024. The study tour inspires participants to explore Japan from a new perspective, placing particular emphasis on gaining a comprehensive understanding of the sustainable business practices adopted by companies in the country.

Day 2: Fostering Global Learning and Collaborations with Keio University

In order to enrich the cross-cultural exchange of ideas among participants, the study trip extended beyond the four participating universities and arranged a visit to Keio University. During the visit, the students had the opportunity to present their group projects in a regular class of Keio University’s Global Passport Program (GPP). The presentation not only allowed our participants to introduce the responsible business practices within corporations from their respective home countries, but also fostered a vibrant academic dialogue among all participants and GPP students.

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Followed by the interactive workshop, we had the honour of participating in a series of special events commemorating the 10th anniversary of GPP. In the sharing session led by Ms. Sumire Hirotsuru, a distinguished violinist based in Tokyo and New York, students were greatly impressed by her exquisite music performance and insightful reflections on pursuing dreams.

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Day 3 – 4: Exploring the Real-world Challenges of Sustainable Business Practices with mymizu and Bolloré Logistics Japan

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mymizu: A Social Start-up in Japan Dedicated to Reducing Plastic Waste and Promoting Sustainable Living

Breaking away from the virtual workshop we had prior to the study tour, Prof. Goi Hoe-chin, faculty member of NUCB Business School, delivered a lecture that integrated case-method teaching and business simulation. The lecture focused on a case study of mymizu, which is a social start-up in Japan, and all participants pitched recommendations to Mr. Lawrie Cate, Chief Technology Officer of mymizu, for improving their current business model based on user-experience activities.

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Bolloré Logistics Japan: A Global Leader in International Transport and Logistics Committed to Promoting Low-carbon Logistics

Besides that, the study tour also encompassed a sustainability workshop in collaboration with Bolloré Logistics Japan. The workshop was facilitated by Ms. Yunli Wang, Sustainability Manager of Bolloré Logistics North Asia, and commenced with an introduction to the company and its global initiatives. The discussion then transitioned into a mini workshop, where all participants were divided into four groups and formulated strategies to address the challenges of reducing transportation and packaging emissions through a business case study.

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Mr. Fabien Giordano, Chief Executive Officer of Bolloré Logistics North Asia, provided valuable feedback to the participants and concluded the workshop by emphasising the collaborative efforts of all stakeholders in creating a positive impact on the logistics industry and the world as a whole.

Day 2 & 5: Learning Family Business in Japan and Discovering the Significance of Responsible Business Conduct with Nikken Sekkei Ltd and Heiko Pack Co., Ltd

Family Business: The Family Business Network in Japan

In between the workshops and university visit we had throughout the study tour, we also had the privilege to learn about the Family Business Network in Japan from Mr. Jun Kawada, Senior Consultant of Lombard Odier Trust (Japan) Limited, and visited Nikken Sekkei Ltd on Day 2.


Nikken Sekkei Ltd: A Japanese Architectural, Planning, and Engineering Company Dedicated to Green Environment Project Designs

During the visit to Nikken Sekkei Ltd, participants actively explored PYNT, a co-creation platform located at the Nikken Sekkei Tokyo Office, guided by the staff of the Public and Relations team. Alongside the insightful company tour, the students also familiarised themselves with the company’s global design initiatives presented by Mr. Takashi Tei, Senior Manager of the Global Business Development Group, while Mr. Ken Miyoshi, Mechanical Engineer, General Manager of the Building Services Design Group, shared details of past and current projects focused on resilient design that helped address environmental issues in society.

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Heiko Pack Co., Ltd: A Local Eco-friendly Packaging Company with Comprehensive Sustainable Business Strategies

The final visit to Heiko Pack Co., Ltd provided our participants another perspective on social responsibility beyond environmental considerations. Witnessing the company employing individuals with disabilities and the efforts to create a decent and sustainable workplace, the visit sparked reflections among our students about the importance of balancing profitability with socially responsible business practices. While profitability is important for any corporation, Heiko Pack Co., Ltd showcased the possibility of achieving both financial success and making a positive impact on society.


The 6-day study tour drew to a close with a memorable farewell dinner in Tokyo, graced by the esteemed presence of Dr. Hiroyuki Kurimoto, Chancellor of Nagoya University of Commerce and Business. As we reflect on the journey, it is evident that the participants not only gained invaluable knowledge and insights but also formed lasting friendships among the participating universities. These connections will be cherished memories for all involved — and we are excited to continue nurturing the growth of responsible business leaders in the future!

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