CUHK Outstanding Students Awards 2023


Chung Cheuk-naam (PACC, Year 2)

“Together, let’s harness our collective spirit to overcome the barriers of uncertainty and achieve success, turning every challenge into a triumph.”

In the arena of Cheuk-naam’s university life, it is similar to having the competition in Taekwondo, every kick, block, and strike embodies her fight against challenges. Winning the Taekwondo Women Team Group Award symbolizes more than technique; it demonstrates her shared resilience and the strength found in unity. Setting goals with the precision of a Poomsae pattern and face difficulties with the tenacity of a sparring match.

Chung Cheuk-naam (PACC, Year 2)  at the Women’s Team Overall Champion award ceremony of The University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China Limited.

Chung Cheuk-naam (PACC, Year 2) at the Taekwondo Women Team Competition with an award of Individual Poomsame 1st Runner-up.