BBA-JD Networking Night 2024
The BBA-JD Double Degree Programme organized a Networking Night on 26 June 2024, bringing together alumni and students for meaningful connections.

The event commenced with opening remarks by our esteemed Programme Co-Directors, Dr. Anthony Law and Mr. Elliot Fung. They warmly welcomed our BBA-JDers from seven cohorts, encouraging them to leverage this networking opportunity to build lasting relationships.

(From left to right) Mr. Elliot Fung and Dr. Anthony Law (BBA-JD Programme Co-Directors)
Following the opening remarks, over 40 alumni and students were divided into groups to mix and mingle. Students engaged in conversations to explore future possibilities in their BBA-JD journey, while alumni showed enthusiasm in sharing their experiences. All BBA-JDers enjoyed the night and gained valuable insights through meaningful interactions.
The following is a collection of photos for the event.