Meet our Student Ambassadors

CUHK Business School has a group of passionate student ambassadors, who will assist you in preparing for your new life at the university.
With a diverse background from various business programs, our student ambassadors will share with you their learning experiences and insights on preparing oneself for the challenges faced at the university, and how to make the most out of your studies and opportunities offered at the Business School.
If you have any questions, ask our ambassadors! Whether you are a local secondary school student, or an overseas student interested in studying business in Hong Kong or at CUHK, feel free to contact our ambassadors for help and advice!

Yannes Yau

Programme: Global Economics and Finance (Year 4)

Admission Channel: Local - JUPAS

College: Morningside College

Timothy Yung

Programme: Integrated BBA (Year 4)

Admission Channel: Local - JUPAS

College: United College

Portia Lim

Programme: Integrated BBA (Year 4)

Admission Channel: International

College: Morningside College

Matthew Lam

Programme: Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science (Year 4)

Admission Channel: Local - JUPAS

College: Shaw College

Lam Hoi Ching

Programme: Integrated BBA (Year 4)

Admission Channel: Local - JUPAS

College: Shaw College

Katrina Po

Programme: Integrated BBA (Year 4)

Admission Channel: Local - JUPAS

College: Chung Chi College

Jeff Chan

Programme: Integrated BBA (Year 4)

Admission Channel: Local - JUPAS

College: United College

Hazel Chan

Programme: Integrated BBA (Year 4)

Admission Channel: Local - JUPAS

College: New Asia College

Elvina Vania Utama

Programme: Integrated BBA (Year 4)

Admission Channel: International

College: Lee Woo Sing College

Gabrielle Mok

Programme: Integrated BBA (Year 4)

Admission Channel: Local - NON-JUPAS

College: New Asia College

Christy Yim

Programme: Quantitative Finance (Year 4)

Admission Channel: Local - JUPAS

College: Chung Chi College

Antonio Fan

Programme: Integrated BBA (Year 4)

Admission Channel: Local - NON-JUPAS

College: United College

Lavanya Anthwal

Programme: Global Economics and Finance (Year 4)

Admission Channel: International

College: Shaw College

Damira Aktay

Programme: Integrated BBA (Year 4)

Admission Channel: International

College: Wu Yee Sun College