News and Events

A Perfect Close of The Academic Cup 2024

One of our school’s iconic events, the Academic Cup 2024, was successfully held at the CUHK campus on 28 Sep 2024 (Sat). The competition this year received over 100 team applications and brought together more than 250 students for a weekend of intense competition centered around a business case involving Spotify.
In the context of a business case competition, the participants transformed themselves into case-solvers and were required to propose creative solutions for Spotify to achieve profitability through innovation and compete with other strong competitors in the global streaming markets. Teams with the best performances in the preliminary round proceeded to the final presentation, and our winning teams are out after the fierce matches:-
Champion Team: ACE

1st Runner-up: Audit Avengers
2nd Runner-up: RJJD

Best Presenter: Hsieh Po Yu from Audit Avengers (PACC, Year 3)
A special thanks to our alumni, who are current industry leaders, for sparing their time to serve as judges for the event and provide valuable feedback to all participants. Their expertise and experience added immense value to the competition, helping to make this event a meaningful learning opportunity for everyone involved.
Congratulations once again to the winning teams of the Academic Cup 2024 – and all participants deserve a big round of applause for the efforts they paid for the competition! We are excited to see how this experience will inspire these bright students as they continue to pursue excellence in their academic journeys, and excel in future case competitions, both locally and internationally.
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